What I'm about to say sounds crazy, but just go with me here, ok?
I'm going to attempt to make my own laundry detergent.
I know, I know, it's 2011, and these products are readily available at my local grocery store. And, no, I haven't decided to run off to Arkansas and join the Duggar family. My awesome friend Ashley (she writes a blog called Organized Homemaking), got me interested in trying this. She and I are what I like to call "famously frugal." We love finding new ways to save money. This one is apparently a HUGE saver!
After lots of highly intensive research (I did a Google search), I found that there are a lot of "recipes" out there for laundry detergent. Most of them are for the liquid variety, which is the kind I normally use. They seem pretty labor intensive and involve "cooking" the mixture and monitoring it to make sure it doesn't burn. This is the kind that you see the Duggar Family make on 19 Kids and Counting. I'm sure it probably works great and it's worth all the effort, but I don't have teenager in my house that I can ask to take on this project. There a two preschool age children in my house and one stay-at-home mommy, and frankly, I don't have time to "cook" my laundry detergent. So I found a recipe for the powdered variety on a great website called DIY Natural. It seems MUCH simpler, and this is what I plan on trying.
The website estimates that their homemade detergent costs $0.05 a load, compared to an average of $0.21 a load for the name brand detergent. Since I don't trust anyone (I mean, come on! I won't even use my name on this blog!), I'll do my own price comparison.
Here's the link to the recipe:
I'll let you know how it goes.
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